Dia do Veterinário

Dia do Veterinário
09 de Setembro

10 de set. de 2010

Morfologia geral de Ixodidae

External morphology of ixodid (A, C, D) and argasid ticks (B) (scanning electron micrographs). A, C Female Rhipicephalus sanguineus, dorsal view (A × 20, C × 75). B Ventral view of an adult Argas sp.; note that the mouth parts do not reach the body anterior line (× 10). D Ixodes ricinus, tarsus of the first leg (× 75). AN, anus; AP, area porosae; BA, basis capituli; CL, claws; GO, genital opening; HOHaller's organ; PP, pedipalps, PV, pulvillus; SC, scutum;TA, tarsus

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